The Slayers
You know...all those other people who are sometimes associated with living in the same world as Naga?

Zelgadis Greywars

Zelgadis is a Chimera man. A half golem, half human. His skin is like stone, and his hair is like wire. He wasn't always a Chimera, though. This physical change was brought about by the now deceased Rezo, the Red Priest. Zelgadis wished for more power, and, well, Rezo gave it to him! Zelgadis' skin allows him to take a bit more physical damage than a normal human. That's doesn't mean he's invincible, however. Zelgadis hates the form that his body has taken, and searches the world for the cure to Rezo's spell. He's the love object of Amelia's dreams, and I like to think he reciprocates the feelings to a certain extent. It's definitely hinted at. He is, however, a lone gunman and fiercly independant. I doubt he's willing to settle down in the castle of Saillune.

Specialty: Zelgadis specializes in Shamanism, magic that calls upon the power of the astral plane. He's a skilled sorceror, but I think he prefers to fight mainly with his sword (sometimes beefed up with an Astral Vine) and fling a couple spells here and there than actually sit there and blast his enemies to death.

Possible Real Life Careers: Park/Forest Ranger, Hunter/Fisherman, Hermit/Recluse