The Slayers
You know...all those other people who are sometimes associated with living in the same world as Naga?

Amelia Wil Tesla Saillune

Amelia is the sister of Naga. She's the crown Princess of Saillune, and daughter of the loud and obnoxious (but super cool) Prince Philionel. Saillune is the capitol of White Magic, and this provided Amelia with the training necessary to excel in this field of sorcery. Amelia has an affinity for Justice, and her overzealousness often leads to her trademark speeches on Justice and Heroism. Many consider her to be annoying, but she is actually my second favorite Slayers character. (Haha, I just love those Saillune sisters) Amelia has a huge crush on Zelgadis, and makes it painfully obvious in numerous episodes.

Specialty: Amelia is a well rounded sorceress whose emphasis is on White magic, although she does know a couple of Black and Shamanist magic spells. She's willing to learn, and quite capable at that. She has even created her own spell, the Visfarank! Quite an achievement for a 14 year old!

Possible Real Life Careers: Animal/Human Rights Activist, Public Speaker, Secretary