The Slayers
You know...all those other people who are sometimes associated with living in the same world as Naga?

Gourry Gabriev

Ah, Gourry Gourry Gourry...the handsome, but amazingly dumb, swordsman extraordinaire. He does, however, have a good heart and good intentions. Not to mention the fact that he's Lina's love interest. He has the uncanny ability to totally screw up anybody's name. But, he is a top notch swordsman. And a great source of comedy relief.

Specialty: Gourry is an amazing fighter. With a normal sword he's dangerous, but with The Sword of Light, he's just plain amazing. He makes up for his lack of magic with his skill, and is just as valuable to the team as anybody else.

Possible Real Life Careers: Male Model, Professional Fighter, Skilled Labor